Balancing Systems for Complete Cooling Fans
- Performance measurement
- Signal analysis of the motor current
- Vibro-acoustic diagnosis
- Automatic unbalance measurement
- Automatic unbalance correction
- Automatic test sequence
Possible test procedures
- Signals analysis of the motor current and frequency range for the indentifivcation of commutation errors
- Signals analysis of the motor current and frequency range for the identification of commutation errors
- VAD procedure (Vibro-acoustic diagnosis) for objective noise checking through analysis of the structure-borne noise signal in the time and frequency range.
- Measurement of current, speed and direction of rotation
- Determining the static and dynamic unbalance with automatic unbalance correction
Special features
- Single or multiple-channel noise checking with integrated unbalance recognition, optional structure-borne noise checking
- Powerful industrial PC for control of the test sequence
- Software module for measurement of performance parameters and VAD procedure and measurement of static unbalance; large rotor type data memory, operator prompting, diagnostic program, statistics, process control, external interfaces
- Control of brushless motors
- Correction methods such as nibbling, drilling, coating or milling