Dürr Assembly Products is a long-time supplier of marriage and axle pre-assembly systems. The technical progress and steady innovations increase the diversity of product variations of our customers. Furthermore, the systems are adapted to new derivatives in intervals that get shorter and shorter and the available periods for modifications are decreasing.
In order to fulfil the customer demands for this broad range it is indispensable, that these complex systems are delivered in a very high quality and pre-tested condition.
With virtual commissioning we offer our customer, amongst other things, an analysis of cycle time and crash conditions even before the system exists in “real”.
The 3D CAD-model of the system is operated by means of the real hardware (e.g. control panel, SPS, emergency stop,...) whereby safety features and equipment as well as the control program can be checked and optimized.
At this early stage training courses of the future operators are already possible.
With the virtual commissioning the customer gets a system with a very high level of maturity. Furthermore, it is possible to check, if future model variations are capable of being integrated.